2024 TTDialogues

TTDialogues 2024

Back to the Future:

The Future Consciousness of Therapeutic Touch


Over the past 14 years, the Montana TTDialogues has created an innovative community of practitioners, teachers, and researchers dedicated to exploring the future consciousness of TT. The focus of these reflective dialogues continues to energize the spirit of the TT community and evolve our understanding of TT. 

During the early years of TTDialogues the TTD community explored Healing within the context of Dialogues, articulating our experiences of this multifaceted process as we created a Theory of Healing through TT. Reflections on this process leads us to consider how Dee’s original definition of Healing contributes to our evolving consciousness of TT and invites us to take a deeper dive into the essential concepts central to healing.

Small groups begin meeting regularly in the fall to explore topics related to the theme to prepare for the Dialogues.




TTDialogues Over the Years